5 Benchmarking Examples for Brand Marketing

Keeping track of one’s online efforts is great, but meaningless without standards to measure ...

Top 15 Customer Intelligence Tools

Customer intelligence (CI) keeps your business moving forward, protects your brand health, and ...

How Trend Analysis Works in Marketing

Market Research vs. Market Analysis: Understanding the Difference

It’s easy to see why market research and analysis are often conflated. Both equip decision makers ...

Traditional Market Research vs. Modern Strategies

Decision-making in business is fraught with uncertainties. Through market research, companies ...

New Product Development Research: What It Is, Stages, and Examples

Are you thinking of bringing a new product to the market this year? Congratulations, yours will be ...

10 Top Market Research Trends in 2023

What worked yesterday in your market research strategy won’t work today. The world is evolving and ...

Top 12 Market Intelligence Tools

Market intelligence tools are essential for helping businesses build brand awareness and increase ...

Definition and Examples of Market Intelligence

What is market intelligence? It’s a term that you’ve likely heard many times in the last few years ...

A Guide to Media Monitoring Services

Judging by Google search results, many people and brands are looking for more information on media ...